Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Even the sky falls.

Ever wonder why an apple triggered Sir Isaac Newton. Well I do and I think it's the legality of the drugs that time.

"I dunno what I'm doing. lol" - Sir Isaac Newton

Ok, maybe Sir Newton wasn't high, but the apple is. But I thought if he saw a rain fall, he will already figure it out. I mean, he is the kind of guy that probably questions a lot of things in this world. Someone that will clearly object an unjustifiable law or could be the "exception" on some rules. You know. Like a resistant. Smart people resists against oppression or could be the part of oppression itself. Just an observation though.

So what is this all about? Even the sky falls. That apple fell to his head and that was one of the biggest change in history. Gravity. Even as small as a speck of dust, as light as leaves, as massive as thunderstorms. Everything falls. So why does people afraid of falling and letting go?

Help! Help! Heeeee.. Oh.

This is a scene of Aunt May in Spiderman 2. Apparently, falling from a building was definitely scary and tragically deadly. So let's cross that out on the list and let us talk metaphorically from this on forward. The problem really is that people is afraid of the unknown (here we go again). Why are we afraid of the dark? Because we can't see anything, or worse because we are seeing what we want to see which never existed in the first place. 

MOOOM! I see dead people. In the dark.
Shh go back to bed! Stop watching walking dead too much

Fear replaces what we actually see into what we don't want to see. So then again, why are we afraid in falling? We're gonna fall in love eventually anyways. Whether it's the wrong one or the right one. Just know our limitations. We can fall as light as a feather or as fragile as glass. It's up to our decisions. I choose to be the rain. Accumulated by the water from Earth, formed in the sky then fall back to Earth. Because it's natural for everything to fall. Give yourself a chance. You can be a cloud waiting for the right place to fall, don't hold back. Let it fall and if it that doesn't work out, you can climb in the sky again and fall. Who knows, you might stay there if things go smoothly or if you choose to stay.

The apple fell to Newton and it became as one of the best discoveries, It's your chance to discover or be discovered.

(This was inspired by this blog by the way: clickhere
It's really awesome and also I've been watching The Da Vinci Code movie and Isaac Newton made me think about gravity and all that stuff. I'm open for criticism, I know my grammar was horrible.)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Te amo, cibum.

Wow, so Latin. Much amaze. Wow.

This "doge"  always pops out of my thought balloon every time I think about what am I gonna write next. Get out of here doge!

Anyways, what is this Te amo, cibum. I just searched about the latin word for "food" and it was "cibum". Now, you'll probably know where this is going. Why latin? Usually, root words for terminologies or scientific words comes from latin. words with suffixes "phile" is the best example. "Philia" or "phile" is connected to either things that people had a certain arousal or things that people love or having an obsession with.
Pluviophile- is a love for rain. A person that loves raining.
Retrophilia- love for things of the past
Necrophilia- sexually attracted to zombies. Ok zombies might not be the term, still doesn't make it less disgusting.

> Here's a list of all the philia's:,110356

Back to the topic, I searched for Cibum+Philia means love for food. Google suggested me to this
And I had this "Ooooh. Ok." *clicks suggestion* kind of face. Then I realize it was phobia not philia. To make this long story short, I was weirded out by the fact that there are people afraid on food? While most of the time I'm like:

That's not really how Cibophobia works. I just need to let this thought out. Anyways read more about cibophobia HERE.

I just also found out that sometimes, our phobias are not actually what it seems. For example if people have a fear of a certain food or food itself, either he:
1. Hates the taste;
2. Traumatic experience with the food;
3. Traumatic experience that had the presence of the food while the traumatic phenomena is occurring. or;
4. Traumatic experience so traumatic that it had to be replaced by a representation which happens to be an object or by this topic, a food.

Let say when I was 5, I was left in a grocery store in the vegetable section by my single mom. My mom never returned and I never knew what happened to her. Some guys kidnapped me and promised me that they will take care of me. It turned out that they will turn me into a circus freak and whip me like an animal during training. Now I'm will stay away to vegetables and sooner or later, I'd have a flashback of terrible experiences with vegetables and will make me become afraid of them due to the subconscious thought of my traumatic experience that so terrible, I need to redirect the part of my trauma into a less terrible phobia which is obviously, vegetables.

For better explanation, watch the last chapters of the movie "A fantastic fear of everything". It's actually a bad movie. I only watched it because of Simon Pegg.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

It's not about the destination, it's the journey.

It's February already, Valentines day is running smoothly ahead. I didn't notice how fast time was consuming me on working at the SkyDeck. Bayleaf hotel's bar and restaurant. Working there as a trainee since November really taught me a lot of things. I might write something about that in an another post.

A view of Metro manila from Skydeck of The Bayleaf Hotel captured by my phone

What is this post all about anyways? This came up with the thought:
"If you're staying where you are, nothing will come in your way. If you're moving on or heading forward, good things and bad things will greet you along the way. Still, it's better than nothing."
I came up with it when I was heading home after work. Probably because of the movement of the vehicle I'm riding or probably because dawn is affecting people's mind, thus making me think deeper while playing Metallica on my iPod.

People are always afraid of the unknown. That's why we had that popular saying that curiosity killed the cat.
Not everything is yours, America! I mean meow.
Why are people afraid of something they don't know or haven't tried yet? Because it makes them think. Thinking of the 50 percent success and 50 percent failure. Failing doesn't kill us unless we are engaged in a "Saw" movie which obviously depending on our success in order to save our asses, else we have to face a seemingly lawfully yet disgusting way to end our unjust lives (based on the movie). Back to the point, not most of us are willing to take the risk in trying but why shouldn't we. We can't stay forever sitting in a chair because you think it's an awesome chair because you've been sitting in that chair for like eleventeen years.

Everything you've been doing has been done for the first time. It's up to you to take the leap now or wait for more (n) hours, days, months or years. Don't let the term "character doesn't change overnight" serves as an excuse. You know that is kinda bullsh.. All I say is, you are always the one hinders you, yourself. You can't move on, you can't accept maturity and you can't live and stay forward because you don't let it start and make it happen.

All of what's happened in the past fails or wins, part of the learning process, who we are today is the outcome. Who we are tomorrow will be the effect of what we are and what we've done today.

All these were simple common things people already thought from the beginning they accepted maturity.
Maturity isn't fun if you don't let it. Make it simple. We are the passengers of our vehicles driven by our decisions. Just like most of us riding a Jeepney. Enjoying the morning breeze. I know where I'll be heading. Just like you supposed to be. Just pick the right vehicle. Even if you are lost, at least, you found out a new route where you can find another vehicle that will lead you to your destination. It's always more about the journey. And sometimes, it's not about where you're going. It's who you're with.

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Blogs and notes with an awful grammar are my escape on over thinking about opinions, experiences and day dreams that keeps knocking on my brain especially just when I'm about to sleep. I'm probably the "Jack-of-all-trades" guy because I would probably never gonna be the best on what I'm doing.

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