Thursday, June 9, 2011

You take it, I take you.

"What would you take?"

This Image Was From The Movie MATRIX

"You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. 
You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."

This question was asked by Morpheus to Neo from the movie "Matrix". Sound so wrong, right? I mean, why would you let this guy show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes? Never mind for those who don't get it. Its a weird innuendo. Anyways anyways anywaaays, If you'd have the chance to choose from the two? 
Would you take the...
 Blue pill      or     the Red pill? 

I used "paint" for this picture. LOL.

No, this Isn't about the Jabbawockeez' dance song titles, but this was much more of a choice. It's a choice whether you want to wake up on the dream that turning out to be a nightmare, or to stay in the dream. Preventing it from turning into a nightmare, slay the "jabberwocky". And be the hero of your dream.

Is it the question that complicates you? No. You gotta admit, the choices made it difficult. The Blue - which will wake you up and believe what you want to believe isn't the one that faces reality, it's a
 'blissful ignorance of illusion'  that makes you BELIEVE what you want to believe and ignore the fact the you can face the challenges of life. The Red - which will make you stay and 'see how deep the rabbit-hole goes' wasn't the dream actually, its accepting where you are and what is happening around that you thought was a "dream". It was really 'embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality'. It's what the Matrix and Alice in the Wonderland want us to realize. Not because it looks like a nightmare, it wasn't real. 

Decisions, decisions. In the end, it will be always your choice. Don't let other OPINIONS destroy your BELIEFS, FAITH and HOPE. And most importantly, no matter what we pick, whether a blue, red or even green.. 

It's staying strong after the effect of the pill that counts the most. So stay strong.

(Most information was found in wikipedia and


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Blogs and notes with an awful grammar are my escape on over thinking about opinions, experiences and day dreams that keeps knocking on my brain especially just when I'm about to sleep. I'm probably the "Jack-of-all-trades" guy because I would probably never gonna be the best on what I'm doing.

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