Monday, June 13, 2011

Nope, we don't think alike.

The world is always filled with battles, battles between religion, race, politics, video games, cooking shows. You name it! But what fascinates me the most were the battle between sexes. Nope, it's not the battle we do in the bed (no pun intended). But the battle among thy men and thy woman. Yes, the never ending battle against supremacy. Who is the best? Who is the better? Who will never shout never? Ugh...

This picture I grabbed from a friend on facebook,
 I don't think she knows me but still thanks for this. LOL
That's right kids.. Give me the finger. You see children, this is wrong. But I dig this! Its genius! Anyways, I know its a bad joke. Never shout never. Tss. So I can see all of you inhabitants reacting like that (I knew it coming. Take that). Enough with the joke. The real point of this was the Gender issues. Who is better? Who is loser? The guys? The gals? The chicks? The dicks? Boys? Girls?

I'm a guy, but I'll try not to biased here, this was my opinion so don't get all mad. Nobody's better. We have differences which of course a lot of people already know. I know the people who have some time to read my bullshits here are smart people :D Enough with the sucking readers thoughts. For me, physically.. men and women's body and capability is almost identical. BUT. Men practiced from their childhood to carry this, work for that, do this, fix that. If a woman is built the same way men were, you will understand what I'm blabbering here. Next was, in terms of world's point view.. Women can do what men can do.. then again.. BUT.. Men can't. You know why men can't? Well men can, but world will see it as either "you're gay cause you do girl stuffs. HA-HA" or "Women already did that, why would you wanna do that?". That's right. World is sexist. I hate it but somehow, I also get that mentality. Its bad to judge. I just hope that if people can't say something good, or just gonna brag.. Don't say it at all.. It's the root of all the fights, judgement, debates and did i say fights?



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Blogs and notes with an awful grammar are my escape on over thinking about opinions, experiences and day dreams that keeps knocking on my brain especially just when I'm about to sleep. I'm probably the "Jack-of-all-trades" guy because I would probably never gonna be the best on what I'm doing.

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