Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This will END shortly after the BREAK.

Damn it why this time!?

What would you feel if its the most important part of your most favorite show. And this showed up? Not to mention of Japanese horror character showing up. YIKES. Well, aside from crept out, you'd be pissed right? Yes? No? Normally, I become very emotional. I go "damned" and kick or punch something (only when I'm alone, I become that violent), then I start to somehow teary, depends on how emotional I am on that time (again, only when alone). 

Let's put this situation in reality, what would you feel if the most important person left you in your supposed to be most important day. Who will be happy? Under some circumstances, maybe some will be glad but overall, it's really painful. I mean let say its your anniversary, and then suddenly "this doesn't work out anymore" phrase you heard instead of "I love you". If that was a joke, it's fucking mean. Anyways.. If that'll happen to me, my brain will go like that television. Out of signal. Go brrrrshhh... and needs to be tapped so hard to get back.

If I'm a television, my channel will be love station. I will tell everyday of my life to my one and only viewer that I love every inch of her. I might be broken and go brrrrssshh and won't be able to say it again. At least until the very last time, I'd be able let her know how much I love her, even if its just words.. 


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Blogs and notes with an awful grammar are my escape on over thinking about opinions, experiences and day dreams that keeps knocking on my brain especially just when I'm about to sleep. I'm probably the "Jack-of-all-trades" guy because I would probably never gonna be the best on what I'm doing.

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