Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Can I sleep and wake up on Christmas Eve?

Why won't human go on hibernation. I want to feel it.. I want to go in a coma.. Where nothing is going on in your mind. No need for bothering problems.. No responsibility... Just rest.. No assurance about living or being awake again.. I want to go there.. In dreamland for a long period of time.. And I want to wake up.. On important dates.. Where happiness is at its finest... 

At some point in our lives.. Even though we think maturely.. We still wish for stupid things.. So stupid it got a point.. So stupid that everyone realizes that they want it too..  So stupid.. It doesn't make our brains bleed.. So stupid, it's fun. 

For the record.. I am happy as always.. or seems to be.. But after socializing.. I realized.. I managed to survive the day with fake smiles, fake thoughts, fake words.. and fake interests... People doesn't need to know, Who really am I.. People doesn't need to know WHAT really goes in my mind.. Except in here.. In here, as I elaborated in my earlier blogs... "it's like a less homo-diary"... What I write here is actually what goes on in my mind.. Every time I read my own blogs, I can see the transitions and how I actually had a mind that is never got contended.. It's always changes.. 

I just want to stop that thinking for a moment.. Forget everything. Release pressures.. And Sleep as long as I can without waking up... 

I want to sleep right now and wake up on Dec. 24 2010.. Where it's ready to eat.. Ready to forget the sorrow, party all night like there's no tomorrow.. I want to.. Guess life is really full of disappointments.. We can't get everything we want.. Without a consequence..


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Blogs and notes with an awful grammar are my escape on over thinking about opinions, experiences and day dreams that keeps knocking on my brain especially just when I'm about to sleep. I'm probably the "Jack-of-all-trades" guy because I would probably never gonna be the best on what I'm doing.

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