Sunday, November 21, 2010

The devil's hour

It's past 3am in the morning right now and usually I'm wide awake at this hour. I think I'm having insomnia. Anyways I'm very sleepy right now.. But I want to write some things before i go get to sleep. They say that this hour is for the devil.. I don't know why but according to google and yahoo answers..

3-5am is the hour where our body's immune system is most vulnerable. It's when the we are rushed in the hospital on some kind of accident or some illness, we have more chances to survive during the day. When that incident occurs on that hour, the chances is minimal. It have been said that more people dies in hospitals during that time..

Another theory I have read is that anything devilish or something connected in devil, is the opposite or against of something holy, or Christianity.. For example, The Holy Cross is the sign of Christians (like me) and the sign of against it is an inverted cross. Jesus died at the Cross at Exactly 3pm.. and thus, the opposite of it is 3am.

They say its a folklore. I think nothing is in risk if I believe it. I believe that let's try to be safe at that hour. My mom said "Try to sleep" at that hour, which often occurs. Good thing she's in deep sleep right now. Anyways.. speaking of the devil.. (not my mom you bi....) :| I mean literally "devil".. There's a folklore I've read that there's a certain month which the devil is at its strongest. For example, today is November 22, 2010. Monday Dawn. And at 1:27pm it will be full moon. Too bad there's no moon in the afternoon. -_- Anyway, During this month, November, Asmodeus is at his strongest. He and his assistants work better this month and accomplish more missions.. It's like when werewolves are powerful on full moons.

Asmodeus was also a prince of the Seraphim and reportedly continues to be one, burning with desire to tempt men into wantonness. He is opposed by St. John the Baptist. He makes rulers and leaders with an attitude of "vile revenger" sounds like "power ranger" to me :)) anyways more of this, He is also associated with the deadly sin called "lust". There are seven deadly sins and each have its own devil associated with. For example, Beelzebub, my favorite, is on "gluttony". He's also a prince of the Seraphim and most powerful on the month of July. Anyways For me. During November, 3am is when people watch porn and fantasize about someone because Asmodeus is for "lust" :| :))

Anyways. Time for hitting up the sack folks. its almost 4am. Anyways I'm not watching anything ok? Even if its The devil's hour in the month of November. Which Asmodeus is on his best. Maybe I'm just thinking revenge. Because he's also into revenging, alright? Great. Good Mornight :D


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Blogs and notes with an awful grammar are my escape on over thinking about opinions, experiences and day dreams that keeps knocking on my brain especially just when I'm about to sleep. I'm probably the "Jack-of-all-trades" guy because I would probably never gonna be the best on what I'm doing.

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