Wine and a medium rare steak please, half eaten. |
Wine? What no milk? Probably what this dog thinking the whole time. Or maybe "I have no idea why I'm here." or or or or "Where's Raggy? Relma? Raphne? Red? Rooby wants rooby snax" or something like that. Anyways, I wish I could find something like this place up there. Where I can relax alone and drink some wine. I don't wanna get drunk but just want to fix this mind up. A piece of a peace of mind, that's what I need. Drink up wine, flush out the whines.
But the more I THINK about it.
The more I FEEL like this.
Sigh. This day, probably it must be good. But I haven't seen it. I sure wish I see the sunshine but all I see was the cloud and chilly winds. It's my choice to look at a dark day a blessing in disguise but no. I go with the flow. I pretended to be happy but not. I know this won't last long but I sure hope this weird emotional stress end soon. Well, as long as things are unsettled and problems are unresolved.. It will be longer than it should be. After all, a peace of mind is just the first step. I shouldn't stay there. After having a peace of mind, I should resolve. Or should I resolve then have a peace of mind. Oh come on.